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Applet Installation
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View Sample #1 View this applet tag!
View Sample #2 View this applet tag!
View Sample #3 View this applet tag!

Applet parameters
width, height These are the standard applet tags describing the width and height of the applet in pixels.
image The filename of the image to use. This is relative to the html-document.
bg The color used for background when loading the image, in format rrggbb.
dim This describes how fast the water pans out. A value of two pans out immediately while at eight it takes a long time for the water to settle. Defaults to five.
dotsize This is the size in pixels of the 'drops' to be deployed in the water by the mouse.
ndotsize This is the size in pixels of the 'drops' to be deployed in the water by the 'Noise' feature.
mouse One or zero. Enables/disables the mouse-over effect. Defaults to one.
noise One or zero. Enables/disables the static noise effect. This causes static noise in the water without user interaction. Defaults to one.
url The target url when using the applet as a button or NavBar. If using a NavBar then this value is any number of target url's, separated by a space character. Omit this if the applet is not supposed to link to anything. * Tip - You can issue a mailto: command as you would in HTML, i.e.! *
target This option lets the user specify which frame to open a target url in. If omitted, it targets the default frame.
orientation This is the orientation of the NavBar. v for vertical or h for horizontal. Case-sensitive.